22. Subject to section 22.1, the number of terms for exclusive exploration rights converted into map designated exclusive exploration rights for the purpose of establishing the minimum cost of the work required to renew the exclusive exploration rights for every renewal except the first renewal following conversion shall be determined as follows:(1) by first establishing, for each of the exclusive exploration rights for which the conversion is applied, the number of days expired since its registration date or, in the case of an exclusive exploration right obtained by staking entered before 24 October 1988, since the date corresponding to the first renewal following that date;
(2) by subtracting, where applicable, the number of days expired from the number of days during which the term of the exclusive exploration right was suspended by the Minister under section 63 or 82 of the Act;
(3) by adding the numbers established for each of the exclusive exploration rights for which the conversion is applied for and by dividing the total amount obtained by the number of exclusive exploration rights; and
(4) by dividing the latter result by factor 730.5.
The number of terms determined in accordance with this section shall be increased to the whole number that follows if it comprises a fraction.
O.C. 1042-2000, s. 22; O.C. 74-2005, s. 7; O.C. 1065-2015, s. 14.